SAFARI Montage®
SchoolCity® Personalized Review Assignment Integration
SchoolCity and SAFARI Montage common users will be able to access high-quality rich media resources in the SAFARI Montage Learning Object Repository (LOR) from within SchoolCity’s Personalized Review Assignment (PRA) feature.
The PRA solution provides teachers with an easy-to-use tool allowing them to recommend quality LOR resources for their students.
Resources are pulled into assignments automatically using the state standard benchmark being assessed to personalize the learning path for each student.
Learn More:
SchoolCity® and SAFARI Montage® Announce Partnership for Highest Quality Resources in Support of Personalized Learning
New SchoolCity SUITE PRA supercharged by SAFARI Montage LOR

- SchoolCity Personalized Learning Review Tool
- SAFARI Montage v7.3 or greater
- SAFARI Montage LOR subscription
For more information, please contact