Video Streaming Library
Access 18,480+ videos and 72,000+ images, audio files, eBooks, interactive files, documents and OER & free web links from the finest publishers, correlated to Common Core & State Standards
NEW 2023Super Core Content Now 100% Closed Captioned!
All video titles in the SAFARI Montage Super Core Content packages with discernable English speaking tracks are now closed captioned, ensuring effective communication for students who are deaf and hearing impaired and serving as an assistive learning tool for students of all abilities. We have also added closed captioning for 270+ audio titles.
Smart Adaptive Bitrate Encoding
SAFARI Montage has re-encoded its entire video library in Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) to optimize the user playback experience while dynamically testing for available bandwidth. Smart ABR ensures the highest quality playback based on real-time conditions.
Ultra-High Resolution Video Encoding
When available, SAFARI Montage videos have been encoded at up to 3 Mbps for super picture quality on large screens.
Find Content Easily
Selected from the finest educational publishers in the world, the titles included in the Video Streaming Library are from the programs that teachers use, love and respect. All resources include rich metadata to ensure that users can easily search and find the content they need.
Content for All Subjects in Your Curriculum
Designed by our editorial staff to meet the core needs of a K-12 curriculum, the titles in our Core Content Packages cover Social Studies, Science, English Language Arts, Math, World Language Instruction, Health & Physical Education, Character Education and more.
Correlated to Common Core & State Standards
Content packages contain correlations to current academic standards for all relevant content, including all State Standards, Common Core State Standards, Next Generation Science Standards, AASL Standards for the 21st Century Learner, and Partnership for 21st Century Skills.
Content for ELL Students
Hundreds of Schlessinger Media titles include Spanish language tracks to support the needs of Spanish-speaking English Language Learners (ELL).