SAFARI Montage®
Google Drive™ Integration
SAFARI Montage now integrates with Google Drive to provide users with easy access to their Google Apps on Google Drive. Users can perform a federated search of their Google Drive from SAFARI Montage, upload, auto-convert and add Google files to playlists and digital lessons, and continue to collaborate on shared Google files while accessing Google resources through the LOR.

SAFARI Montage—Google Drive™ Integration Overview
Single Sign-On
Sign in with Google option allows a user to log in to SAFARI Montage with a Google username and password

One-Click Access
Easy Access to Google Drive and Apps, including Google Calendar, Gmail and Google Docs, from the SAFARI Montage Dashboard Portal
Upload Google Drive Files
Import and save files from Google Drive in any of the 50+ supported file formats plus the Google Drive file formats.
Easy Access to Shared Google Drive Files
Create a permanent web link to a Google Drive file in SAFARI Montage, then continue to collaborate on Google Drive files while accessing via the LOR
Integrate Google Files Into Playlists and Lessons
Easily integrate Google files into playlists and Digital Learning Platform (DLP) lessons (for DLP subscribers)
Federated Search Access
Perform a keyword search of Google Drive resources from SAFARI Montage, and results will appear on a separate Google Drive search results tab in the LOR

Auto-Convert Files
< Uploaded Google Drive files are auto-converted to PDF and a compatible MS Office format or JPEG in the case of the Google Drawings.

Google Docs™ (.gdoc)
auto-converts to Microsoft Word (.docx)

Google Sheets™ (.gsheet)
auto-converts to Microsoft Excel (.xlsx)

Google Slides™ (.gslides)
auto-converts to Microsoft PowerPoint (.pptx)

Google Drawings™ (.gdraw)
auto-converts to JPEG (.jpg)
- SAFARI Montage V.6.3 or greater
- SAFARI Montage LOR or Interoperability Support Services
For more information, please contact
"Google", "Google Drive", "Google Docs", "Google Sheets", "Google Slides", and "Google Drawings" are trademarks of Google Inc. Use of Google trademarks is subject to Google Permissions.
*Note: Integration requires initial set-up by a SAFARI Montage System Administrator
'Sign in with Google' requires that the e-mail address in the SAFARI Montage user profile match the e-mail in their Google profile.