SAFARI Montage®
Google Classroom™ Integration
LOR users can share SAFARI Montage titles, segments, playlists, and lessons directly to Google Classroom for use in Google Classroom Announcements, Assignments, and Questions.
Integration Enables:
- One-Click Access to Google Classroom from SAFARI Montage Dashboard
- Ability to Easily Share SAFARI Montage Resources to Google Classroom
- Ability to Combine Learning Objects and Activities to create playlists and lessons to Support Personalized Learning

Google Classroom Google Docs, Google Slides, and Google Sheets saved to the LOR as web links can now be assigned as individual copies to each student when assigning a supported learning object or playlist containing supported learning objects to Google Classroom
- SAFARI Montage V.6.4 or greater
- SAFARI Montage LOR or Interoperability Support Services
- Google Apps for Education Account
- Google Classroom Integration Activated by SAFARI Montage System Administrator
For more information, please contact
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