The Leading K-12 Curriculum Learning Object Repository

Free and Open Educational Resources

All Core Content Packages include free contextualized open educational resources, totaling 539 video titles, 19,170 CK-12 Foundation web links, 18,434 YouTube web links (13,800+ closed captioned videos), 17,588 still images, 3,175 weblinks, 1,161 documents, 690 articles, 668 interactive resources, 541 eBooks, and 539 audio files.*

Khan Academy
US Maps
Project Gutenberg
Phet Interactive Simulations
National Archives
Schlessinger Media Image Library
National Freedom Center
World Factbook
IRC: History
Library of Congress
National Park Service
NOAA Weather Photos
Crash Course
Oyez Supreme Court Web Links
KidLit TV Video Links

Web links are provided "as is" by SAFARI Montage to free and open educational resources owned or curated by independent third parties who do not endorse or sponsor SAFARI Montage and whose content is subject to their privacy practices and terms of use.