NEWWinter 2023 Content Releases
2,170+ free and open educational resources, including links to YouTube videos, interactive resources, eBooks and more.
Web links to 60 videos highlighting the legacy and impact of men and women who advocated for racial equality in the United States. Includes firsthand accounts, historical moments and stories.
40 web links to videos from The Open University. Topics include: historians and the past, the history of money, architecture and design, history of the Spanish language and more.
Links to 60 videos from the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum. Series include: Behind Every Name, Curators Corner, Eyewitness to History, Holocaust Artifacts Unpacked and more.
39 links to web videos from the New-York Historical Society. Series include: Academy for American Democracy, Opening the Oval Office with David Rubenstein, Women & the American Story and more.
100 video links providing writing and editing tips. Topics include: archetypes, theme, point of view, how to structure a chapter, the writing process and more.
Web links to 50 ELA graphic organizers from Student Handouts designed for use by elementary and middle school students.
86 web links to videos which introduce science topics to elementary-age schoolchildren, hoping to spark interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) subjects and careers.
42 links to videos which dig into the world of natural history at The Field Museum in Chicago. Includes scientific interviews, tours of collections and behind-the-scenes work preparing museum specimens.
47 web links to engaging videos from the Science Channel. Series include: Mythbusters, Mythbusters Jr., How It's Made and more.
30 video links to science series including: Chemistry for Kids, Chemical Laboratory Safety, Ingenious and more.
Links to 50 web videos about the world of STEM. Topics include: antibiotics, bacteria, diamonds and gems, engineering, vitamins, zero-gravity flight and more.
10 interactive ChemThink tutorials. Topics include: atomic structure, chemical reactions, covalent bonding, ionic bonding and more.
65 web links to resources about North American birds. Each link includes photos, identification information, life history documentation, maps, and audio.
110 video links to computer programming videos. Topics include: Adobe Illustrator Tutorial, Adobe Photoshop Tutorial, C++ Tutorial, HTML Tutorial, Java Tutorial, Python Tutorial and more.
Updates to Existing Free and Open Educational Resources
Web links are provided "as is" by SAFARI Montage to free and open educational resources owned or curated by independent third parties who do not endorse or sponsor SAFARI Montage and whose content is subject to their privacy practices and terms of use.