SAFARI Montage®
Schoology® Integration
The SAFARI Montage Learning Object Repository (LOR) integrates with Schoology via 1EdTech Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standard to achieve:

Single Sign-On
One-Click Access to Schoology from the SAFARI Montage Dashboard Portal via an LTI Single Sign-On (SSO) feature
Easy Access to Resources
Teachers and administrators can easily integrate SAFARI Montage learning objects, including videos, quizzes and playlists, within a Schoology course
Federated Search Access
Enables users to launch a federated search of the LOR directly from the Schoology interface and embed and view LOR resources within a Schoology course.
Smart Infusion of Google Drive Resources
Search Google Drive resources from the LOR and add selected resources directly to Schoology from the search results page while simultaneously saving the item to the LOR
Watch the SAFARI Montage—Schoology Integration
- SAFARI Montage version 6.0 or greater
- SAFARI Montage Interoperability Support Services or LOR subscription
- Schoology subscription
- Schoology LTI Key & Secret
- Note: Federated Search access requires SAFARI Montage v6.5 or later
For more information, please contact