- Ada Lovelace: The First Computer Programmer
- Age of Enlightenment: How the Ideas of the Enlightenment Led to Revolution
- Alaska Purchase
- Alexander Fleming Discovers Penicillin
- Alien and Sedition Acts of 1798
- Andrew Carnegie: Self-Made Man Preaching the Gospel of Wealth
- Anne Frank: How Her Diary Was Written
- Annie Oakley: Sharpshooter and Wild West Icon
- Aztecs of Mesoamerica, The
- Bacon’s Rebellion
- Battle of Appomattox Court House
- Battle of Fallen Timbers
- Battle of Fort Pillow
- Battle of Saratoga: A Turning Point in the Revolutionary War
- Battle of Shiloh
- Battle of Tippecanoe
- Battle of Yorktown: Washington Bluffs, Hamilton Charges, Cornwallis Surrenders
- Bear Flag Revolt
- Bleeding Kansas: Causes, Events, and John Brown’s Pottawatomie Massacre
- Bronze Age, The: Metallurgy’s Massive Impact on Man
- California Gold Rush: Forty-Niners, Fortunes, and Frenzies
- Child Labor in America
- Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882
- Civilization of Sparta, The: Agoge Training, Spartan Warriors and Women
- Code of Hammurabi: Mesopotamian Code of Law
- Coercive Acts: Intolerable Acts Imposed by Parliament in Response to the Boston Tea Party
- Constitutional Convention of 1787
- Copper Age, The
- Cultural Revolution in China
- Eli Whitney Invents the Cotton Gin
- Fall of the Byzantine Empire
- Federalist Papers: Foundational Essays by Hamilton, Madison, and Jay
- First Thanksgiving, The
- Florence Nightingale and the Dawn of Modern Healthcare
- Freedman’s Bureau of 1865, The
- Freemasons
- French and Indian War
- George Washington Carver
- Geronimo: Great Loss, Avengement, and Escape
- Gilded Age, The
- Great Chicago Fire of 1871
- Great Migration, The
- Great Molasses Flood of 1919
- Great Plains People: Native American Tribes, Language, Dance, and Death
- Great Postal Strike of 1970
- Greensboro Four Make Civil Rights History, The
- Han Dynasty of China
- Harlem Renaissance
- Haymarket Riot: Industrial Worker Protest Turns Violent
- Hernan Cortes: Defiant Spanish Explorer and Conquistador
- History of Christmas Trees
- History of Groundhog Day
- History of Uncle Sam, The
- Homestead Act of 1862
- Hong Kong History: Britain’s 99-Year Lease and Repatriation to China
- House of Medici: Power, Patriarchy, Art, and Exile
- Hundred Years’ War
- Inca Empire: Advanced Mesoamerican Civilization
- Industrial Revolution in America
- Industrial Revolution in Great Britain, The
- Interstate Highway Act of 1956
- Irish Potato Famine: Crop Failure Decimates Ireland’s Population
- Iroquois Confederacy, The
- Jacques Cousteau: Explorer, Oceanaut, Inventor, and Environmental Activist
- Jamestown Colony’s Early Years
- Jesse Owens
- John Brown’s Raid on Harpers Ferry
- John Muir: Naturalist, Conservationist, Author, and Patron Saint
- Juan Ponce de Leon: Puerto Rico, Florida, and More
- King Philip’s War
- Klondike Gold Rush, The
- Kon-Tiki Expedition
- Liberty Bell: Where It Was Cast and How It Was Cracked
- Life and Works of Thomas Paine, The
- Lincoln Tunnel History: Conquering the Hudson River Through Herculean Construction
- Louisiana Purchase, The
- Madam C.J. Walker: First African American Millionaire
- Manifest Destiny: How America Justified Westward Expansion
- Marquis de Lafayette: The Hero of Two Worlds
- Mayans, The: Golden Age of Maya Ends Abruptly
- Mayflower Compact, The
- Mesopotamia and the Fertile Crescent
- Mexican-American War, The
- Middle Ages: Bridging Dark Age to Enlightenment
- Monroe Doctrine: What It Is and How It Has Been Used
- Native American Governance Inspires U.S. Constitution
- Native Americans and the Buffalo
- Native Americans in the Revolutionary War
- Navajo Treaty of 1868, The
- New Amsterdam: Early Dutch Colony Establishes New York City
- New York City Draft Riots of 1863
- Northwest Passage: The 300+ Year Search for a Route to Asia
- Opium Wars, The
- Ottoman Empire: Invasion, Occupation, and Power Lasting 600 Years
- Pony Express, The: A Dangerous Route to Postal Service
- Poor Richard’s Almanack: Ben Franklin’s Aphorisms and Quotes
- Progressive Era: Early Movement Towards Societal Equity
- Rough Riders: Teddy Roosevelt and the First U.S. Volunteer Calvary
- Sand Creek Massacre
- Seneca Falls Convention of 1848
- Shang Dynasty: Calendars, Culture, and Conflict
- Shays’ Rebellion: Peaceful Protests Turn Violent
- Sitting Bull
- Star-Spangled Banner, The: America’s Iconic Patriotic Song
- Stock Market Crash of 1929
- Tammany Hall: Boss Tweed and the Political Machine
- Thera Eruption Devastates Minoan Civilization
- Tragic Winter at Valley Forge, A
- Trail of Tears: Andrew Jackson’s Indian Removal Act of 1830
- Transcontinental Railroad
- Treaty of Paris (1783)
- Treaty of Versailles
- Valentina Tereshkova: First Woman in Space
- What Is Leap Day? The Four-Year Gregorian Calendar Necessity
- What Is Passover? Traditions of the Oldest Jewish Holiday
- What Was the Oregon Trail?
- What Was the Proclamation of 1763?
- Whiskey Rebellion: American Whiskey Producers Condemn Federal Tax
- Who Were the Puritans?
- Who Were the Sons of Liberty?
- Wilmot Proviso: Bill to Prohibit Slavery’s Westward Expansion
- Works Progress Administration, The
- Zoot Suit Riots