- Age of Reason, The: Europe from the 17th to the Early 19th Centuries
- America in Depression and War
- American History Since 1865
- American History to 1865
- American Literature
- American Revolution, The
- Ancient World, The: Greece
- Ancient World, The: Rome
- Asia in the Modern World: Images and Representations
- Black Matters: Introduction to Black Studies
- Build a Small Radar System Capable of Sensing Range, Doppler and Synthetic Aperture Radar Imaging
- Calculus Revisited: Single Variable Calculus
- Chemical Investigations of Boston Harbor
- Chemistry Laboratory Techniques
- Chemistry of Sports
- Chinese I
- Chinese II
- Civil War and Reconstruction, The
- Classical Mechanics
- Classics in Western Philosophy
- Cognitive Neuroscience
- Communicating Across Cultures
- Composing with Computers
- Composing Your Life: Exploration of Self Through Visual Arts and Writing
- Computer Games and Simulations for Education and Exploration
- Congress and the American Political System I
- Congress and the American Political System II
- Darwin and Design
- Design and Manufacturing I
- Emergence of Europe, The: 500-1300
- Exploring Sea, Space and Earth: Fundamentals of Engineering Design
- Film Experience, The
- Forms of Western Narrative
- Foundations of Theater Practice
- Foundations of World Culture I: World Civilizations and Texts
- French I
- French II
- Fundamentals of Biology
- Fundamentals of Music
- Game Design
- Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python, A
- German I
- German II
- Godel, Escher, Bach
- Hands-On Astronomy: Observing Stars and Planets
- Hands-On Introduction to Electrical Engineering Lab Skills
- History of Western Thought: 500 -1300
- How and Why Machines Work
- Introduction to Anthropology
- Introduction to Asian American Studies: Literature, Culture and Historical Experience
- Introduction to Astronomy
- Introduction to Bioengineering
- Introduction to C++
- Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
- Introduction to Computers and Engineering Problem Solving
- Introduction to Electrical Engineering and Computer Science I
- Introduction to Experimental Chemistry
- Introduction to Fiction
- Introduction to Literary Theory
- Introduction to Media Studies
- Introduction to Music Composition
- Introduction to Programming in Java
- Introduction to Psychology
- Introduction to Robotics
- Introduction to Solid State Chemistry
- Introduction to Special Relativity
- Introduction to Stagecraft
- Introduction to the American Political Process
- Introduction to Videogame Studies
- Introduction to Western Music
- Introduction to World Music
- Japanese I
- Japanese II
- Kitchen Chemistry
- Laboratory Chemistry
- Major Authors: America’s Literary Scientists
- Major English Novels
- Major Poets
- Mathematical Problem Solving Seminar
- Mathematics in Toys and Games, The
- Mechanical Engineering Tools
- Media in Cultural Context: Popular Readerships
- Multivariable Calculus
- Music and Technology: Recording Techniques and Audio Production
- Organic Chemistry I
- Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
- Places of Migration in United States History, The
- Playwriting I
- Popular Culture and Narrative: Literature, Comics and Culture
- Portuguese I
- Portuguese II
- Practical Electronics
- Principles of Chemical Science
- Probability and Random Variables
- Race and Gender in Asian America
- Reading Fiction: Imaginary Journeys
- Reading Poetry
- Relativity
- Renaissance, The: 1300 - 1800
- Science Essay, The
- Science Writing and New Media
- Shakespeare
- Single Variable Calculus
- Spanish I
- Spanish II
- Street-Fighting Mathematics
- Studies in Film
- The Art of Counting
- Toy Product Design
- Understanding Television
- War and American Society
- Writing About Literature
- Writing and Experience
- Writing and Reading Poems
- Writing and Reading Short Stories
- Writing with Shakespeare