- Careers in Tech: My Name Is Brina, Software Engineer at Instagram
- Careers in Tech: My Name Is Federico, Software Engineer at Microsoft
- Careers in Tech: My Name Is Kinsley, Software Engineer at Facebook
- Careers in Tech: My Name Is Polina, Data Scientist at Electronic Arts
- Careers in Tech: My Name Is Tess, Software Engineer at Google
- Careers with Computer Science: Aerospace Engineer at NASA
- Careers with Computer Science: Design Technologist at Meow Wolf
- Careers with Computer Science: Security Analyst at Tanium
- Careers with Computer Science: Software Engineer at MBARI
- Computer Science Principles: Images, Pixels & RGB
- Data and Medicine
- How AI Works: AI: Training Data & Bias
- How AI Works: Ethics & AI: Equal Access and Algorithmic Bias
- How AI Works: Ethics & AI: Privacy & the Future of Work
- How AI Works: How Computer Vision Works
- How AI Works: How Neural Networks Work
- How AI Works: What Is Machine Learning?
- How Computers Work: Binary & Data
- How Computers Work: Circuits & Logic
- How Computers Work: CPU, Memory, Input & Output
- How Computers Work: Hardware & Software
- How Computers Work: What Do Computers Do?
- How Computers Work: What Is a Computer?
- How Computers Work: What Makes a Computer, a Computer?
- How Teamwork Works
- How to Debug in Four Easy Steps
- Pair Programming
- Problem Solving Process with Zipline, The
- Teamwork: Dealing with Disagreements
- The Internet: How Search Works
- What Is the Internet?