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OSU School of Writing, Literature and Film Video Links

  • OSU School of Writing, Literature and Film

    93 Individual Titles
    • How to Use a Colon
    • How to Use a Semicolon
    • How to Use Apostrophes
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Are Assonance and Consonance?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Are Euphony and Cacophony?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Are Flat Characters and Round Characters?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Are Vehicles and Tenors?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Climax?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Dramatic Monologue?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Flashback?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Foil?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Frame Story?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Genre?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Graphic Novel? (Part 1)
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Graphic Novel? (Part 2)
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Metaphor?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Motif?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Narrative Arc?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Narrator?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Parody?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Persona?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Portmanteau?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Prologue?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Protagonist?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Setting?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Simile?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Soliloquy?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Sonnet?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Stanza?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Synecdoche?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Theme in Literature?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Tragedy?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Trope?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Vignette?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is a Zeugma?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Alliteration?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is an Allegory?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is an Allusion?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is an Elegy?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is an Epic?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is an Epistolary Novel?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is an Idiom?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is an Ode?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is an Oxymoron?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is an Unreliable Narrator?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Anaphora?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Ars Poetica?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Blank Verse?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Close Reading?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Conflict in Literature?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Deus Ex Machina?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Enjambment?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Epistrophe?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Figurative Language?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Foreshadowing?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Free Indirect Discourse?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Hyperbole?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Imagery?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Irony?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Juxtaposition?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Literature?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Meter in Poetry?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Metonymy?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Onomatopoeia?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Personification?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Point of View?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Rhyme in Poetry?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Satire?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Science Fiction?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Stream of Consciousness?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Symbolism?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is the Difference Between Tone and Mood?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is the Uncanny?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Understatement?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Verisimilitude?
    • Literary Guide for English Students and Teachers, A: What Is Young Adult Literature?
    • What Are Dialects?
    • What Is a Clause in Grammar?
    • What Is a Comma Splice?
    • What Is a Noun?
    • What Is a Phrase in Grammar?
    • What Is a Predicate in Grammar?
    • What Is a Subject in Grammar?
    • What Is a Verb?
    • What Is Code-Meshing?
    • What Is Mood in Grammar?
    • What Is Parallelism?
    • What Is Passive Voice?
    • What Is Singular They?
    • What Is Syntax in Grammar?
    • What Is the Oxford Comma (And Is It Really Optional)?
    • When Not to Use Commas
    • When to Use Commas