- 1956 Hungarian Revolution, The
- Abdication of King Edward VIII
- Air Corps Act Becomes Law
- Alaska Becomes the 49th State
- Aleutian Campaign in WWII, The
- Allied Beachhead South of Rome
- Allied Forces Cross the Rhine
- Allied Invasion of North Africa
- Allied Siege at Cassino, The
- Allied Troops Land in Tokyo Bay
- Allies Enter Naples
- Allies Invade Sicily
- Amelia Earhart Flies the Pacific
- American Forces land on Guam
- American Legion Organized
- American Troops Invade Germany
- American Troops Land on Saipan
- Andrei Gromyko Stages a Walkout
- Anti-communist Riots in East Berlin
- Army Disbands Carrier Pigeon Unit
- Army-Navy Football
- Atom Bomb Test at Bikini Atoll
- Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima
- Attack on Pearl Harbor
- Attempt on Life of President Truman
- Austria Regains Sovereignty
- Auto Racing Disaster at Le Mans
- Aviation Speed Record for Women
- Awarding of the Medal of Honor, The
- Baseball Inaugurates Hall of Fame
- Bataan Death March Survivor Honored
- Battle for Dien Bien Phu, The
- Battle of Bismarck Sea
- Battle of Coral Sea
- Battle of Salerno, The
- Battle of Stalingrad
- Battle of the Bulge
- Beginning of U.S. Coast Guard
- Belgium Liberated by Allies
- Berlin in Hands of Soviet Army
- Birth of Princess Caroline of Monaco, The
- Bonus March, The
- Boulder Dam Completed
- Boy Scout History
- Braille History
- Brink’s Robbery in Boston
- Britain Announces Austerity Program
- British Military Government Seizes Krupp Works
- Bruno Hauptman Trial, The
- Cairo Conference, The
- Canadian Prime Minster King Retires
- Caracas Incident During Nixon’s Tour
- Cardinal Mindszenty Sentenced
- Castro Enters Havana
- China’s Bombing of Quemoy
- Christmas Seals Placed on Sale
- Christmas Traditions Around the World
- Churchill Launches V for Victory Campaign
- Churchill Retires as Prime Minister
- Cold War Spy Case of Gerhart Eisler, The
- Colombia Restores Order After Riots
- Communist Takeover of Nanking, The
- Communists Seize Czechoslovakia
- Congress Establishes Yosemite National Park
- Congressmen Wounded in House Shooting
- Connie Mack Retires from Baseball
- Conrad Adenauer Elected West German Chancellor
- Construction Begins on Holland Tunnel
- Cornerstone Laid for Statue of Liberty
- Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II
- Corporal Dickenson Repatriated
- Court Martial of Billy Mitchell
- Cypriot Independence Movement
- David Lloyd George Retires
- De Gaulle Offers to Lead France
- Death of Albert, King of Belgium, The
- Death of Dowager Queen Mary, The
- Death of FDR, The
- Death of King George V, The
- Dedication of Air Force Academy
- Dedication of Jefferson Memorial
- Dedication of St. Lawrence Seaway
- Dillinger and Capone
- Dimouts and Blackouts in America during WWII
- Dionne Quintuplets, The
- Disaster Strikes Texas City, Texas
- Discovery of X-Ray Made Public
- Dominion Day in Canada
- Don Larsen Pitches Perfect Series Game
- Doolittle Leads Raid on Japan
- Drake Oil Well: The World’s First, The
- Edmund Hillary and the Conquest of Mt. Everest
- Effect of the Displaced Persons Act, The
- Egypt Under Nasser
- Eisenhower Illness Stuns Nation
- Eisenhower Urges Atoms for Peace
- Empire State Building Dedicated
- End of German V-2 Siege
- End of the Berlin Blockade
- End of the Tunisian Campaign
- Evacuation of Dunkirk Completed
- Exchange Visits of U.S./Russian Farmers
- Execution of Benito Mussolini
- FDR Greets Royal Family
- FDR Years, The
- Federal Post Office Established
- Fire in Boston Night Club
- First Auto to Exceed 200 M.P.H.
- First Auto to Exceed 300 MPH
- First Chess Tournament in the U.S.
- First City-Owned Street Car Operated
- First Civilian Nuclear Plant Opens in the U.S.
- First Commercial Helicopter
- First Day of Summer
- First Demonstration of Home Television
- First Eastward Pacific Flight
- First Giant Panda Arrives in U.S.
- First Horse Show of National Scope
- First House Heated by the Sun
- First Mint Established in U.S.
- First Reconaissance Flight Into the Eye of Hurricane
- First Reports of Flying Saucers
- First Subway Starts Operations
- First Televised Presidential News Conference, The
- First Trans-Atlantic Pilotless Plane
- First Use of Tank in Warfare
- First Vote for Women of Japan
- Flight History at Kitty Hawk
- Flight of the First Rocket Plane
- Floating Harbors during World War II
- Floods Rage in Eastern States
- Ford Motor Leads Automotive Revolution
- Founding of Rome
- Founding of the R.A.F.
- Founding of the WAVES
- Freedom Train Starts U.S. Tour
- French Fleet Scuttled at Toulon
- General Eisenhower Honored
- General LeMay Made Chief of SAC
- General Lucius Clay Retires
- General Mark Clark Retires from Army
- George VI Dies: Elizabeth Queen
- George Washington Bridge Opens
- German Destroyer Graf Spee Scuttled
- German Invasion of Poland, A
- German Troops Enter Paris
- Germany Annexes Sudetenland
- Germany Surrenders to the Allies
- Ghana Becomes Independent State
- Girl Scouts Founded
- Golden Gate Exposition Opens
- Grand Coulee Dam Starts Operations
- Great Northeast Blizzard
- Gripsholm Repatriates WWII Refugees
- Groundhog Day
- Hammarskjold Elected U.N. Secretary General
- Helen Wills Becomes U.S. Tennis Queen
- Hindenburg Disaster, The
- History and Production of Penicillin, The
- History of Boys Town, A
- History of the Battleship Wisconsin
- History of the Eiffel Tower, A
- History of the New York Stock Exchange, A
- History of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, A
- History of the Washington Monument, A
- Hitler Suppresses Civil Liberties
- Howard Hughes Flies World Biggest Plane
- Howard Hughes Makes World Flight
- Hurricane Hazel Ravages U.S. and Canada
- Independence Day in Brazil
- Indianapolis 500, The
- Irish Free State Established
- Israel-Jordan Sign Armistice
- Italian Air Armada Visits Chicago
- Jackie Robinson Joins Dodgers
- Jacqueline Cochran Makes Flight History
- Japanese Attack USS Panay
- Japanese Fleet Suffers Heavy Defeat
- Jesse Owens Wins Four Olympic Medals
- Jockey Willie Shoemaker Sets Record
- John L. Lewis and the United Mine Workers
- Jonas Salk and the Polio Vaccine
- Kaiser Wilhelm Abdicates
- Kathy Fiscus Rescue Drama, The
- Khrushchev and Nixon Debates
- King Carol of Romania Abdicates
- King of Siam Visits U.S.
- Koje Revolt
- La Guardia Nominated for New York Mayor
- La Marseillaise is Written
- Labor Union History
- Launching of the First Atomic Sub Nautilus, The
- Liberation of Hong Kong, The
- Life of Albert Schweitzer, The
- Lindbergh Flies the Atlantic
- Liner Andrea Doria Sinks in Collision
- Liner Normandie Burns at Pier
- Liner Queen Mary Crosses Atlantic
- Liner United States Sets Speed Record
- Litvinov Named Ambassador to U.S.
- London Blitz, The
- MacArthur Closes Military Career
- MacArthur’s Return to the Philippines
- Madrid Surrenders to Franco’s Forces
- Major Boyington is Found Alive
- Marshall Plan, The
- Massive flooding in Midwest
- Maureen Connolly, Tennis Star
- Morro Castle Fire, The
- Mossadeq Toppled in Iran
- Munich Conference, The
- National Industrial Recovery Act Enacted
- Nehru’s Visit to the U.S.
- New U.N. Headquarters Opens Its Doors
- New Year’s Day
- Normandy Invasion, The
- North Atlantic Treaty Signed
- North Sea Storms and Floods
- Norwegian Saboteurs Defy Occupation
- Nuremberg Trials, The
- Office of War Information Established
- Omar Bradley Named Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff
- Opening of Brussels Fair
- Opening of Burma Road
- Opening of Moscow Conference
- Opening of New York World’s Fair
- Opening of Potsdam Conference
- Opening of the Eisenhower Museum
- Opening of the Golden Gate Bridge
- Opening of U.S. Naval Academy
- Overthrow of President Arbenz in Guatemala, The
- Panama Declares its Independence
- Passing of Last Civil War Vet
- Peron Elected Argentine President
- Philippine Independence Bill Approved
- Pope Pius XII Dies
- Portrait of Abraham Lincoln, A
- Portrait of Babe Ruth, A
- Portrait of Charles Evans Hughes, A
- Portrait of George Washington, A
- Portrait of Thomas Edison, A
- Postwar Fashion Trends
- President-Elect Roosevelt Escapes Assassination
- Prince Akihito Weds Commoner
- Princess Elizabeth Weds Prince Philip
- Profile of Admiral Byrd, A
- Profile of Albert Einstein, A
- Profile of Arturo Toscanini, A
- Profile of Ben Hogan, A
- Profile of Bobby Jones, A
- Profile of British General Montgomery, A
- Profile of Calvin Coolidge, A
- Profile of Dwight D. Eisenhower, A
- Profile of Eleanor Roosevelt, A
- Profile of Frank Lloyd Wright, A
- Profile of General Francisco Franco, A
- Profile of General John J. Pershing, A
- Profile of General Patton, A
- Profile of George Bernard Shaw, A
- Profile of George M. Cohan, A
- Profile of Harry Truman, A
- Profile of Helen Keller, A
- Profile of Henry Wallace, A
- Profile of Herbert Hoover, A
- Profile of Irving Berlin, A
- Profile of John D. Rockefeller, A
- Profile of John Foster Dulles, A
- Profile of Joseph Stalin, A
- Profile of Knute Rockne, A
- Profile of Lou Gehrig, A
- Profile of Mahatma Gandhi, A
- Profile of Mao Tse-Tung, A
- Profile of Marshal Petain, A
- Profile of Marshal Tito, A
- Profile of Max Baer, A
- Profile of New York Mayor Jimmy Walker, A
- Profile of Pablo Picasso, A
- Profile of Pope John XXIII, A
- Profile of Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands, A
- Profile of Sir Anthony Eden, A
- Profile of Syngman Rhee, A
- Profile of the USMC, A
- Profile of Theodore Roosevelt, A
- Profile of Will Rogers, A
- Profile of Winston Churchill, A
- Prohibition Era, The
- Puerto Rico Made a Commonwealth
- Pumpkin Papers, The
- Queen Mother Elizabeth Arrives in N.Y.
- R.A.F. Raid on Cologne
- Racehorse Nashua Sold for Record Price
- Ranger is First Aircraft Carrier
- Record Channel Swim by Florence Chadwick
- Record Storms in the West
- Regular Trans-Atlantic Air Service Begins
- Return of the Saar to Germany, The
- Rickenbacker Rescued in the Pacific
- Riot at Alcatraz
- Rockefeller’s Son Weds
- Role of the American Red Cross, The
- Roosevelt Nominated for Fourth Term
- Russia Executes Lavrenti Beria
- Russia Releases German POWs
- Russia’s Sputnik in Orbit
- Russians Break Leningrad Siege
- Salvation Army’s Role in the U.S.
- Santa Claus School is Opened
- Signing of the Atlantic Charter
- Sinking of the Flying Enterprise, The
- Smog Siege Lifts in Los Angeles
- Social Security Payments Begin
- Star Spangled Banner Becomes National Anthem
- Start of Korean War
- Submarine Squalus Sinks, The
- Suez Crisis, The
- Sukarno Takes over in Indonesia
- Supreme Court Rules on Sit-Down Strike
- Surrender of Japan, The
- Tacoma Bridge Collapse
- Taft-Hartley Enacted
- Teacher Reveals Soviet Repression
- Texas Admitted into the Union
- Thomas Dewey: Racket Buster
- Tibetan Rebellion of 1959, The
- Tokyo War Crimes Trials, The
- Tom Mooney Pardoned
- Truman Doctrine Becomes Law
- Tunisia Gets Independence
- Tunney, Marciano Win Boxing Titles
- Turkey Becomes a Republic
- Typhoons Lash Islands of Japan
- U-2 Spy Plane Incident, A
- U.N. Conference Opens at San Francisco
- U.S. Aids Victims of Southwest Drought
- U.S. Air Mail Service Begins
- U.S. Bombers Blast Ploesti Oil Fields
- U.S. Fleet Home from the Wars
- U.S. Launches First Earth Satellite
- U.S. Marines Land on Guadalcanal
- U.S. Marines Land on Iwo Jima
- U.S. Military Academy Established
- United Service Organization Founded
- Unprecedented Sweep of Tornadoes
- V-J Day
- Vatican History
- Wake Island Falls to Japanese
- War Brides Arrive in New York
- West German Army Formed
- Whirlaway Sets Derby Record
- Wilkie Presidential Campaign
- Wilson Declares War Against Germany
- Wilson Presents League Covenant
- Women’s Army Corps Established
- Women’s Coast Guard Created
- Women’s Unit Attached to Marine Corps
- World Health Organization is Established, The
- World War II AEF Lands in Ireland
- World War II Rationing in the U.S.
- Wounding of Walter Reuther
- Wrong Way Corrigan Lands in Dublin
- Yacht Racing